Early Church Assemblies
The true believers and Representatives of the end-time message on the Earth.
Assembly of Kinshasa (Headquarters)
Church Address: 197 Av. Kabinda, C/Lingwala, Kinshasa, Kinshasa , Democratic Republic of the CongoEmail: headquarters@eprimitive.org
Visit Kinshasa PortalThe Early Church of Yeshua Ha MashYah's headquarters is located in the Democratic Republic of Congo's capital which is Kinshasa. William Branham tells us about the Divine order that was established in the Early Church in the beginning. It concerns the way the anointed men of the beginning took care of the Church over which God had made them overseers. For William Branham, this Divine order of Headquarters had to be restored in the Church here at the end, before the Holy Spirit fell. The functioning of the Headquarters system is the vision that the prophet had for the Church in the future. The HQ is the framework and the place to decide on unresolved issues in the Local Assemblies. Other Local Assemblies are branches or outposts of the Headquarters. The Headquarters is the place where the eagles receive Spiritual Food.

Rev. Pierre Kasambakana
General Overseer
Phone: +243 999 919 958Email: pierrekas@eprimitive.org

Rev. William Manzanza
Phone: Email: wmanzanza@eprimitive.org

Rev. Zek Zekpele
Phone: Email: zekpele@eprimitive.org
Assembly of Jeffersonville (Kinshasa in Jeffersonville)
Church Address: 1805 East 8th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana , USA 47130.Phone Number: +1 833 229 0644 Email: jeffersonville@earlychurchus.org
Visit Jeffersonville PortalThe Early Church of Yeshua Ha Mashyah in Jeffersonville, Indiana, is a nonprofit organization that spreads the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Bible studies, conferences, sermons, and other religious services. In 1983, we started conducting religious services and conferences in the Congo with the hope of spreading His Word to the rest of the nation, especially His end-time message. Since then, we've been dedicating ourselves to being fishers of men and to teaching people how to become God's disciples. We are now in the United States eager to extend the reach of our organization and to touch the hearts of average American families and individuals.
The assembly of Kinshasa in Jeffersonville was first located in Buffalo, NY. In 2014, brother Pierre Kas who is the overseer of The Early Church Of Yeshua Ha Mashyah worldwide came in the USA for an important mission regarding the End time message. He asked all of us to move from Buffalo, NY to Jeffersonville, IN for the honor of the message to serve the Lord Yeshua. The church of the Lord Yeshua is here in Jeffersonville to remind the people of Jeffersonville and of the united states as a country the message they have forgotten before the jugement of the gentils. William Branham, the prophet of God said that "Africa has to send missionaries over here to America. This is the place they're needed, right here, worse than it is over there". Branham Tabernacle have abondonned the End-time message since the departure of William Branham to the celestial home.

Rev. Thomas Kalonji
Phone: +1 833 229 0644Email: kingkalonji@earlychurchus.org

Rev. Ken Mukendi
Phone: +1 833 229 0644Email: usaken@earlychurchus.org

Rev. Barel Musenga
Phone: +1 833 229 0644Email: barel@earlychurch.org

Rev. Yeshurun Kadima
Phone: +1 833 229 0644Email: yeshurunusa@earlychurch.org