Rev. Barel Musenga
Assembly Of Jeffersonville
Church's Address:
1805 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, USA
Email :
Phone : 716 578 1908
Preacher's Address:
708 Webster Blvd, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47130, USA
Assembly Of Jeffersonville

The Early church of Yeshua Ha Mashyah in Jeffersonville is an answer to prophet Branham desire to see African missionaries come to America and teach his people the word of God, and how to live a holy life. Specially to remind people of Jeffersonville that God-Elohim sent a true prophet of this generation in their city with a salvation message. Joseph Branham, Billy Paul and their respective staffs have done no work of spreading the message in Jeffersonville and in United Stated as a whole since the departure of the prophet. They don’t preach or teach the message, they have forsaken it and turned back to do their own business and make more money. They have been now selling everything from brochures to water. Everything brother Branham touched or utilized became commercial objects for VGR and their president. Billy Paul till this day, still multiplying prayer tissues from those he kept since brother Branham died just to lie people and make more money instead of taking care of the message. We do confirm today that Branham Tabernacle has become a denomination filled with businessman and not man of God who can stand for the truth, the message. Here is what the prophet said of the children of founders “And then here, the children, immediately after them founders, what do they do? They didn’t stay on the stalk. They pulled away from It and made themself a little husk thing out here. Which, you get away from the real source of Life, you have no Life. You take a husk off the thing, and plant it out here in the ground, it’ll lay down and rot. And so are you, trying to eat rotten manna from back in them days. The harvest is ripe! Jesus has a table spread, where the saints of God are fed on ripened Food of the day, by the Gospel Light that vindicates and proves that He is here today. Amen. The saints eat the Bread” THERE IS A MAN HERE THAT CAN TURN ON THE LIGHT, p.177.
The Early Church Of Yeshua Ha Mashyah is the only place all over the world you can find the pure and original message as it’s been received by the prophet of God-Elohim. The true message is the message of the seven seals as defined by William Branham. “228 What is it? It’s quickening power that will catch us away. That great quickening power. The quickening power come in this last days. 229 That’s what I’m in Arizona for, right now. There’s many people sitting right here, stood right here at Phoenix, and heard me tell you from this very platform, “THUS SAITH THE LORD.” How many remembers it? “Now go. Something is fixing to happen.” 230 I saw seven Angels come. Didn’t Life magazine pack it, as the fog of It floated across here, twenty-seven miles high, and thirty miles across? Is not Fred Sothmann, these other, Gene Norman, them, setting back there? Stood right there when them seven Angels appeared right there on the hill. It shook the hills, for miles around, like that. There stood seven Angels. And throwed a sword in your hand, said, “Go home and open these Seven Seals that are given.” And here they are, the true mystery of marriage and divorce, and the serpent’s seed, and all of these things that’s been fussed about. It’s THUS SAITH THE LORD. 231 What is it? The quickening power coming to the Church, making Her ready, this hour that we’re approaching. Quickening power! O God, help us to receive It. Help us to believe It ”. The Easter Seal , paragraph 228 – 231.
Brother Branham is calling all those who are willing to rise for the rupture when Jesus will come to believe the message of the seven seals.
You want to hear the truth, THE THUS SAID THE LORD that brother Branham preached in Jeffersonville? The Early Church in Jeffersonville is the only place to worship God-Elohim and find in there the spiritual food to feed your soul while we are waiting Jesus second coming to take his bride.
All Trips are Postponed
Due To Coronavirus pandemic ( COVID-19), all travel program have been postponed to a futher date. We wish you all the heavenily blessings and stay safe. For more information about COVID-19, please visit to be updated about the pandemic.

Welcome To Reverend Barel's page

Barel Musenga is one of the preachers in the Early Church of Yeshua Ha Mashyah, Assembly of Jeffersonville. I believe with all my heart the end-time message and that this message is the only way to Christ. The message has been sent by God-Elohim to prepare the end-time believers and get them ready for the rupture. Therefore, we need to take seriously this message as a question of life or death. Brother Branham the prophet of God has exhorted believers like us to familiarize ourselves with the message because we should take over after his departure, which is the case today. Many of those who were supposed to take care of message and keep all dirts far away from the message like Billy Paul, Joseph Branham, Ewald Frank and many others have abandoned the message and stepped over it. They do contradict openly the prophet of God and the message (THUS SAID THE LORD) and they have seduced many around world. This is why God-Elohim have raised people upon HIS HEART to carry the pure message and reach all God’s predestinated children and bring them the truth.
I started preaching since 2007 in DR Congo, in the city of Lubumbashi with brother Dawoud Biaya as my pastor. I had a time to listen to, read and study the message with the help of other servants that God-Elohim called in His field before me such as pastor Yohanan Tshilay, pastor Ken Mukendi, Pastor Thomas Kalonji and the general overseer, pastor Pierre Kasambakana. This is a grace of God-Elohim to fall under good hands and familiarize myself with message as the prophet William Branham recommended on his sermon “Taking sides with Jesus”. I am proud and thankful to for the correct knowledge of the message God granted me to serve him. The Early Church of Yeshua Ha Mashyah has a custom to gather around the general Bishop into a conference of ministers to study the most relevant points of the message and remain up to date. This is also where different preachers’ problems can be solved. Brother Branham recommended to make this God’s system. From Lubumbashi, I made some missionary trips to other cities of Kantanga such as Likasi, Kolwezi, Kapata, Kipushi and Kasumbalesa.
I moved from Lubumbashi to Kinshasa to prepare my trip to United State of America in 2012. There I served the Lord for about 1 year and half in the headquarters in the city of Kinshasa, the capital of DR Congo. I had that privilege to live the man of God, Pierre Kas and learned a lot from spiritual to natural. From the headquarters, I made some missionary trips to the province of Bas-Congo, in cities such as Mbanza-Ngungu, Lukala, Matadi, Boma and many others small cities preaching the end-time message and teaching the people of God to recognize the day we’re living in and its message.
In 2013, I left the headquarters in Kinshasa to Buffalo, New York, USA. I served the Lord in Buffalo for about a year, till when the General Overseer, Pierre Kas come to USA for an important mission which lead us to Voice Of God Recordings to discuss some differences the Early Church had seen in their version of brochures.
Our discussion with the VGR was about the sermon of brother Branham titled “Marriage and Divorce”, in which the Early Church found out that VGR had removed some important word in the sermon which changed the whole thought the prophet was trying to show the people of God in that sermon. VGR broke the continuity of THE THUS SAID THE LORD. Jonathan Phillip told us that VGR has 25 master tape of Marriage and Divorce and we agreed to pick randomly one tape out of the 25 and play it at the place that was sliced. When comes the time of rendez-vous, the found Jeremy, brother Joseph branham’s son in-low, with his team had changed the plan as agreed. They arranged a tape we didn’t pick, and already locked at the place of our discussion. The tape they presented to us was not the original one. We could not agree with them at that point.
Later the General Overseer asked us to leave from Buffalo, NY and come to Jeffersonville, IN to serve the Lord and honor the message. In September 2014, We moved from Buffalo to Jeffersonville to serve Yahweh-Elohim and rise up the message that VGR buried and teach it to the people of Jeffersonville who even ignore that God sent a prophet in their city and country with a salvation message for this generation.
Since then, we are in this field of battle, fighting to defend the honor of the message and teach it in the city of the prophet while those who intend to preach and teach are found themselves fighting against the message and stand against it.
Quote of The Day
Keep the Message honorable, live the right kind of life. Don’t let no smut come upon It. We’re living too late now. We’re—we’re too late in the hour. Let’s live It clean. Well, my life, your life, all of our lives needs to be picked up, before God.